How To Avoid Burnout At Work

Avoid Burnout At Work

Do you already feel exhausted on a Monday morning? Are you counting the minutes until you can go home? Do you find yourself becoming easily annoyed with friends or colleagues? Are you becoming more frustrated with your goals at work? You could be suffering from burnout. Burnout is something that is often overlooked. Many people feel that being overwhelmed with your job is normal, and that’s true. However, burnout affects us in different ways. It can’t simply be resolved with a restful weekend. More people need to understand what burnout is so it can be treated properly. In this article, we focus on what burnout is, how it affects the employee and employer, and how to avoid burnout at work.


What is Burnout?


Burnout has two fundamental components that set it apart from basic fatigue or short-term stress. First, burnout is emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that stems from continuous involvement in highly stressful and emotionally taxing situations. The second component of burnout involves frustration with disappointment or failure to achieve the desired goal. Burnout is often seen in individuals that care deeply about their job. This is what makes burnout different than common feelings of stress, fatigue, or anxiety associated with our jobs. If you’re devoted to a particular cause or goal, and you’re facing consistent obstacles, you could be making yourself vulnerable to burnout.


What Are the Symptoms of Burnout?


Symptoms of burnout typically include:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Sudden disinterest in work
  • Avoidance of co-workers and collaborative projects
  • Becoming easily frustrated with others and simple tasks
  • Constantly wanting to go home
  • Physical discomforts while at work, such as headaches, backaches, or nausea
  • Thoughts of quitting your job
  • Feeling under appreciated


Consequences of Burnout on Employee and Employer

It’s probably no surprise that burnout not only affects the employee but also the employer. When an employee is experiencing burnout, they can put a halt to production. They will avoid going to work, stop collaborating in teams, and prevent new projects from starting. This type of behavior is clearly not lucrative for any company. It’s important for employers to understand how burnout affects their teams. Employers should do everything possible to help their employees avoid burnout at work.


How to Avoid Burnout at Work

Thankfully, there are ways we can become proactive in order to avoid burnout at work. These strategies and tools can help us recognize burnout early and prevent it from getting worse.

  1. Redefine your goals and your purpose at your job. Identify the factors in your life and your work that produce meaning for you.
  2. Reassess your workload. Being overworked is one key component of burnout. By being able to recognize when we’re carrying too much, we can prevent an overload of work. If you feel like your days are blending together and you can’t focus on one thing, it’s time to reassess your workload and speak to a manager about cutting back.
  3. Take your physical and mental health seriously. Exercise, eating healthy, and finding mental releases are key behaviors in preventing burnout. Try new activities such as meditation, tai chi, yoga, or other exercises that focus on balance and mental rejuvenation.
  4. Find ways to help others. Psychologists have been reporting on feelings of euphoria and contentment that are associated with helping or giving to others. It’s referred to as a “helper’s high”. Taking part in behaviors that are both useful and rewarding are shown to help in preventing burnout.
  5. Take back control. If you feel as though you’re slowly losing control of your goals at work, burnout will eventually become inevitable. It’s important to remember that we’re less likely to feel overwhelmed or anxious when we wake up in the morning and we feel a sense of control over our goals. Set a day to organize your tasks and how you’re emotionally engaged with them. Gain back a sense of leadership and power in your daily work.

If You’re Already Experiencing Burnout

Learning tools to avoid burnout will only help if you’re trying to prevent it. If you believe that you’re already experiencing burnout, you should take action right away. First, it’s important to note that speaking with a licensed counselor is a great way to deal with burnout. Remember that this isn’t short-term stress or fatigue. Burnout should be taken seriously. Mental health professionals that deal with burnout will recommend a few things you can do to ease the symptoms. To deal with burnout, you can:

  • Take a break from work
  • Enjoy different activities that relieve stress
  • Avoid too much caffeine or alcohol
  • Find a good support system

If you feel like your level of burnout is too high to handle alone, contact a mental health counselor. A mental health professional can help to identify the core reasons for your burnout and help you to avoid burnout at work in the future. Give a counselor a call today to learn more!

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Gateway Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd. #104
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: (561) 468-6464
Phone: (561) 678-0036

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