New Holistic and Drug-Free Treatment Options


Many of these clients state they saw either little benefit or experienced negative side effects. Furthermore, people express concerns regarding becoming physically or psychologically dependent on medications. I can appreciate these concerns having gone through these experiences myself.

As a result of this demand, and my strong belief in holistic interventions, Gateway Counseling Center is now offering a variety of research based natural resources for treating anxiety, depression, ADD, and a range of additional mental health symptoms. We believe strongly that to assist someone in fully healing, you must address their biological, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and relational needs. Only then will each individual attain maximum results.

The products we have carefully selected are based on the unparalleled quality and scientifically proven data associated with them. We would like to offer each of our former, and existing, clients a free holistic assessment to identify and develop and individualized treatment plan based on your unique needs.

Over the coming months, we will be providing further educational information related to each of these natural alternatives, including the empirical research behind them. Please contact us today to begin moving towards a higher degree of physical and emotional health.

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Gateway Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd. #104
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: (561) 468-6464
Phone: (561) 678-0036

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